Neudorff WildGardnerJoy Moth Flowers
15,13 €
Varied seed mix of mainly native wild flowers and wild herbs. At dusk, insects and moths are attracted which acts as a source of food for bats. For a fragrant, colourful natural oasis at night. Night-blooming varieties like soapwort, dame's rocket and honesty exude an alluring fragrance at dusk. With tool for easier sowing. 1 pack covers 10 m² Application: Sowing: March-June and September/October. Start of flowering: April-September Growth height approx. 70 cm. Scatter seeds evenly on soil that has been cleared of weeds and press down gently, water well and regularly re-water. Suitable for all soil types. Packaging sizes: 50 g folding box with seed mix for 10 m².
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