Neudorff WildGardnerJoy Meadow Flowers
15,13 €
Beautiful seed mix of mainly native wild flowers and wild herbs. For a gorgeous and lasting natural meadow look. Specially chosen to attract butterflies. Includes nectar and food plants for the offspring of native butterflies, e.g. wild carrots, common cowslip and meadow sage. Also suitable as a diversion crop to keep pests away from a kitchen garden. With tool for easier sowing. 1 pack covers 10 m² Application: Sowing: March-June and September/October. Start of flowering: April-September. Growth height approx. 70 cm. Scatter seeds evenly on soil that has been cleared of weeds and press down gently, water well and regularly re-water. Suitable for all soil types. Packaging sizes: 50 g folding box with seed mix for 10 m².
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