Peperomia caperata Rosso about 13 cm
14,50 €
Feels comfortable in sunny or semi-bright places. In a shaded place, the leaves become deeper green. The plant should be watered thoroughly at one time and allowed to dry between irrigations. However, beware of over-watering, especially in winter. Over-watering easily rots the plant. The plant likes leaf spraying. In the summer you can fertilize with mild fertilizer once a week. Feel comfortable in cooler (but not below +15) and humid air conditions. If necessary, the plant should be replanted in a shallow, well-drained pot. Can be increase by splitting, leaf cuttings or top cuttings with few leaves. Cuttings can be planted directly on damp sandy soil and placed in a warm place. Height about 13 cm, pot size 8 cm.
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